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MedSpa » Laser Treatments » Sunetics Laser Hair Therapy

Sunetics Laser Hair Therapy

The Sunetics Laser used in hair therapy for thinning or balding hair uses Low-Level Laser Therapy (LLLT) to stimulate the hair follicles. This stimulation heals them and helps them to regrow into thick, normal sized hairs. This proven & results oriented, FDA Cleared technology is pain-free, drug-free, non-invasive, and has no side effects. With the Sunetics laser treatments, there are no needles, no incisions, no need for anesthesia, and no recovery time. This procedure is convenient for most patients and only lasts 20 minutes. During their treatments, they can read, work on their laptop, listen to music, or just relax. Patients go right back to routine activities as there is no down time and no side effects.


The science behind Sunetics Laser Hair Therapy is simple: laser light heals the follicle.

To understand how laser therapy restores, first one must understand the hair growth cycle & its phases. Hair grows in a continuous cycle. The hair growth cycle consists of four phases: Growth (Anagen), Transition (Catagen), Resting (Telogen), and Shedding (Exogen). At any given time, 10-20% of hair is in the Catagen or Telogen phase. Here it is waiting to be shed and replaced by an active Anagen hair, similar to the way a baby tooth is pushed out by a permanent tooth. Simultaneously, up to 90% of hair is growing. The Growth phase lasts about 3-6 years in a healthy hair, but if the Growth phase is shortened, hair will enter the other phases too quickly and begin thinning or balding. On average, people lose about 100 hairs per day from the Resting (Telogen) phase. Excessive hair loss is defined when more than 100 hairs per day are lost. For male and female pattern hair loss, this increase in hair loss is typically caused by the hormone dihydrotestosterone (DHT). As DHT builds up, the hair follicles being to weaken and it becomes increasingly more difficult for the body to flush out the DHT quickly. As time progresses, DHT disrupts the normal hair cycle, shortening the Growth stage. This causes the hair follicles to miniaturize and consequently produce the shorter, weaker hair that is characteristic of thinning or balding hair. In the continued presence of DHT, hair follicles may keep shrinking until they no longer produce hair and permanent baldness results.



Each Sunetics Laser Hair Therapy treatment lasts about 20 minutes. For best results, it’s recommended to have multiple, package treatments as outlined below:

  • 6 Months or 36 Treatments: Twice a week for 12 weeks & then once a week for 12 weeks
  • If additional treatments are needed, the patient can come in twice a month for up to 6 additional months

 Each treatment will be scheduled with at least one day in between.



Studies show that the Sunetics Low-Level Laser Therapy is able to:

  • Increase the production of ATP to energize & repair the weakened follicle
  • Increase blood micro-circulation to the follicle
  • Increase the nutrient acquisition by the follicle
  • Increase oxygen uptake and calcium ion mobilization
  • Increase the rate of removal of harmful DHT
  • Decrease follicular inflammation

The increase in cellular activity and removal of harmful DHT allows the follicle to heal and regrow normal, healthy hairs.

Patients will vary in response time. The EARLY Responders can successfully move through all 3 stages and see dramatic results as early as 2-3 months into the laser therapy protocol. The AVERAGE Responders see hair growth around the 6-month mark, which is at the top of the bell curve. This is where the majority of patients see stage 3 results. The LATE Responders may not experience stage 3 results until as late as 10-11 months after starting treatments. They can move through stages 1 and 2 while stage 3 results take longer.


Contact TrueMedSpa today to schedule your free consultation and begin your journey to fuller hair!




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